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Issue #5 - Opinion Page

by Lyra Codney

   One of the most useless things in the world is grammar. It was created by old people who think they know everything. It is not just out of date, but not needed anymore. In life, everyone uses slang and when they don’t, auto-correct fixes their mistakes.
  No one is going to notice nor care if you can’t use proper grammar. It is quite literally a bunch of lines and dots that fancy people gave meaning to. In my opinion, I would go as far to say it is classist and should be banned.

 Back in the old days only the top tier of people was allowed to even learn grammar, so they could act better than others. This made the underclass feel even dumber for not understanding it. Also, gave the upper class thinking they had a high advantage on the lower class.
   Grammar is also one of the obstacles that makes learning/understanding English or any language more complicated. Grammar has many rules for every little step you do. If grammar was absent in the world more people would learn easier and have a huge stress relieved from them.

by Lyra Codney

   Grammars only job is to make sentences sound smoothly. However, as time has passed in this world, many people don’t even write complete sentences. Phrases and slang have taken over the world.
   As time keeps on going, grammar will only become more and more useless. So, we should get ahead of the game and just ban grammar from Burlington High School. If we start now by 2024 grammar could be banned everywhere, who knows.


by Teagan Harris

   The basis for everything in this modern world is language. Being a newspaper editor and certified grammar dictator, I feel very strongly about misspellings and improper word usage. Due to this, of course someone like Lyra Codney, who harbors little to no care for grammar, would be at odds with me. 
   There are expectations in a school newspaper. We want people to read our stories and be entertained, not disgusted by our inability to spell. Readers of a paper can become critics at the drop of a hat.

Once people realize that the wrong “there” was used in a story, who knows what would happen. People may laugh, papers may be burned, or pens may even be used to circle every mistake to show the editors. God forbid Mrs. Weston has her class edit the newspaper again. 
   Once the reputation of a newspaper staff becomes tarnished, there is no coming back from it. Papers are left upon tables without a glance upon their words. People refuse to be interviewed for fear of association with such a disgraceful source of information. 

However, some people just do not seem to care about the prestigious standards a paper is held to. These staffers not only put a damper on the newspaper’s name, but they also make a lot of hard work for the poor editors. It takes a lot out of you to correct the atrocious misuse of adjectives by young, curly-haired writers. I’m sure you can guess who I’m talking about. 
   With the newspaper’s life at stake, it’s time for the staff to step it up. Not only that, but we need to come down hard with the edits; it’s only effective if the perpetrators are in tears while fixing their stories. The newspaper, with good grammar, will return to its former glory. 

 Are you tired of being miserable all the time? Is waking up and pulling yourself out of bed a chore? Do you feel like your entire life is bleak and meaningless? Forget serious medical and psychological disorders, you obviously just need a vibe check!
   Firstly, waking up past noon is a complete no-no. Dawn is ideal, but if you just can’t hack it, get up around eight or nine and take a walk! Wash your face, make your bed, and smell the roses. You’ll be in a better mood already.

 Make sure to eat all three meals, even if you aren’t hungry. You’ll need the energy, trust me. After all, sleeping is unrealistic. Pure adrenaline is the best way to make it through your day.
   Stop thinking about things so negatively. Just because you’re already swamped with homework and aren't getting anything accomplished by doing this project doesn’t mean there’s no value in it. Look at the glass like it’s half full. There’s something to smile about in every pile of junk. The busier you are, the less time you have to be sad.

Get outside more. Artificial lights, technology, and sitting around all day really kills the mood. Instead of being a bum, go run a mile. You’ll be much happier all sweaty and feeling like a roasted ham.
   These are only a few tips for keeping your spirits up. Improving your life is easy. Being happy is a mindset, and you are able to achieve it! Just surround yourself with things to do at every second of the day to keep you from thinking, run a marathon through a field of flowers, and never, ever see a medical professional because you think you might need actual treatment. That would make you one silly goose.

compiled by MH
compiled by MH
drawn by Sarah G.
drawn by Sarah G.